Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Today is G R E A T..

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficient and The Most Merciful..

Praise to Allah for everything..yeah, it was the first thing come to my mind after  following this big event. And you know what? it happened to me today. I was so wondering that this chance has came to me. Finally, Allah - My Greatest of The Greatest- has answered my pray (hopefully this is the door to enter and reach the real success). Since the very first time i realized that i will not be possible to be doctor anymore (because i didn't pass the national exam to be a doctor) T.T, i have had an idea to change my dream into another goal, and finally it's a bussinesswoman:). I believe that every effort we did, God knows..and also God will give us reward for it (insyaAllah)..Just convincing myself to always hold this nice promise :)
I do believe that every dream can be gained if we are trying hard to get it. At this Bussiness Training, i got so many precious things. I got wonderful experience to know many success and cool person (really like this moment). I enjoyed it so much.. although honestly, there were no lunch or snack, but it was really great to met them..

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