Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Ingin Makin Bodoh?? Teruslah Merokok..

Anggapan bahwa merokok adalah tindakan bodoh semakin mendekati kebenaran. Para perokok dianggap bodoh karena mengabaikan ancaman yang tertulis dalam tiap kemasan rokok : “ Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi, dan gangguan kehamilan, dan janin !”. Namun lebih dari itu, merokok ternyata benar-benar menurunkan tingkat kecerdasan seseorang.
Setidaknya, inilah yang telah dibuktikan oleh Dr. Mark Weiser dari Sheba Medical Center di Tel Hashomer, Israel. Dalam penelitian yang melibatkan 20.000 calon taruna militer Israel, didapatkan bahwa mereka yang merokok ternyata memiliki IQ lebih rendah daripada yang tidak merokok.
Sebanyak 28 persen dari peserta penelitian merokok setidaknya sebatang per hari,, 3 persen adalah mantan perokok, dan yang 68 persen tidak pernah merokok.
Setelah menjalani tes, terlihat bahwa perokok secara signifikan memiliki skor IQ lebih rendah daripada non-perokok. IQ rata-rata non perokok sekitar 101, sedangkan para perokok memiliki point 94. Secara pasti, point ini terus turun seiring meningkatnya konsumsi rokok, dari 98 pada kelompok yang menghabiskan lebih dari satu bungkus per hari. Peneliti juga membandingkan IQ pada 70 pasang saudara kandung, di mana terdapat satu saudara merokok dan yang lain tidak. Sekali lagi, IQ rata-rata untuk non perokok pada kelompok saudara kandung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perokok.
Jadi, kalau mau bertambah bodoh, teruskanlah kebiasaan merokok...!
( disarikan dari Majalah Islam Ar-Risalah edisi 106/April 2010 )

NB : hehe..buat tmen2 yang ngerokok, peace yah..gak ada maksud untuk menyinggung, cm mau sharing ilmu kok...Keep trying to stop smoking, can do it!!!SEMANGAT!!!^^

Tentang Seorang Gadis

Seorang gadis..
Perlu ada yang membela..
Agar ia terpelihara..dengan cinta Rabbnya,
Dengan rindu Rasulnya..dengan yakin Diinnya, dengan teguh akidahnya, dengan utuh cinta yang terutama, Allah dan juga Rasulnya... dalam ketaatan penuh setia... 
Pemelihara muruah dirinya, agama, keluarga dan ummatnya...

Seorang gadis itu...
Melenturnya perlu kasih sayang..
Membentuknya perlu kebijaksanaan..
Kesabaran dan kemaafan, keyakinan, dan penghargaan, tanpa jemu dan tanpa bosan,
Memimpin tangan, menunjuk jalan....
Seorang gadis itu.. yang hidup di alam ini, akhir zaman..
Era hidup penuh berdikari...dirinya terancam oleh fitnah..
Sucinya perlu tabah, cintanya tak boleh berubah..
Tak bisa terpadam oleh lelah, oleh keliru fikir jiwanya..
Karena dihambur ucap kata nista, hanya karena dunia memperdaya..

Karena seorang gadis itu, gaya hidup di zaman ini..perlu teguh kakinya..
Mantap iman mengunci jiwanya, dari lemah dan kalah, dalam pertarungan yang lama, dari rebah dan salah, dalam perjalanan  mengenali Tuhannya, dan pejuangan menggapai cinta..
Nikmat hakiki seorang hamba..
Dari Allah yang menciptakannya..
Dari Allah yang mengurniakan...
Seorang gadis itu..anugerah istimewa kepada dunia...


- O P T I M I S T – When we hear that single word, our mind must be fulfilled with
“ The positive way that will bring someone into success ” . Unfortunately, we often ignore it as the way of our thinking in this life. Because sometimes, we forget that Allah SWT has already gave us so many potencies. As a human, we are more potential than another creatures, because we’re awarded three big natural potencies : brain, body, and soul. Because of that, we’re supposed to use it optimally in order to worship Allah SWT and fulfill the obligation as His servant in this world. Actually, as a human, everyone has the same chance to use, even to improve those potencies that was given by God The Almighty, Allah SWT. This is related in the Qur’an as follows:

 “ It is He Who created you from earth, then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot of blood, then He brings you out as infants, then so you may achieve full strength, then so you may become old men – though some of you may die before that time – so that you may reach a predetermined age and so that hopefully you will use your intellect. It is He Who gives life and causes to die. When He decides on something, He just says to it, "Be!" and it is.” (QS. Al Mu’min : 67-68)

From these verses we know that Allah SWT gives us potencies and opportunities to fill our life with. So that we can get survive in life and optimalize all the chances we have. As the human whose Allah SWT gave more potencies than another creatures, we are obligated to worship Him and fight to do the best in our life. Besides that, we are told the true purpose of creation in the Qur'an which Allah sent down as a guide to His servants. This purpose is to serve our Lord Who created us and allowed us to live. Allah describes this purpose in a verse of the Qur'an as follows:

… I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (QS.  Adh- Dhariyat: 56)

We have to believe that Allah SWT will give us the way of success if we keep in our struggles and fights to reach our goals, and of course with all pray to Allah SWT and let Him decides the result of our struggles. An optimist person will look the life with different thinking from others, he will think that life is such A GREAT CHALLENGE that has to be faced and solved. And of course then, an optimist person will use every chance to do the best in his life. Although life contains tears, difficulties, and obstacles, an optimist person will consider that as his chance to improve himself in every breath he takes on many aspects from his life. An optimist person will never give up, because he believes that Allah will always be inside him. He also trust in Allah SWT because he knows that Allah will give what he wants if he asks Him by praying . As Allah SWT promised in Qur’an : 

If Allah helps you, no one can defeat you. If He forsakes you,who can help you after that? So the believers should put their trust in Allah. (QS.  Al 'Imran: 160)

We will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger, as well as loss of wealth and life and fruits. But give good news to the steadfast. ( QS. Al Baqarah : 155 )

So, it was exactly explained by Allah SWT in Al-Qur’an about His almighty. Allah SWT will test us with some difficulties, like fear and hunger, and He respects for those who are able to face and solve it patiently. Allah SWT is the only one decider of every goal that we put our expects in. Sometimes we are not aware about this. But lately, if we try to learn about the purpose of life, we will understand the meaning of life. That we have to be an optimist person who keep in faith with the destiny that Allah SWT promised to us. Because great struggles will produce great results. Hopefully, to get all pleasure and help from Allah SWT, we are supposed to always working hard and fighting to reach our goal. Remember that Allah SWT will give the best result for them who never give up and always optimist. So, Keep fighting and Keep spirit to reach our goals!!! May Allah SWT bless us.. and finally..
Just Take Optimist as Your Choice.. ^-^

By : @maliyah  @gustin

Sources :
  • Al-Qur’an
  • Translation of Al-Qur’an : “ The Nobel Qur’an : A New Rendering of It’s Meaning in English “  ( Hajj Abdalhaqq )
  • “Why Do You Deceive Yourself ? “ ( Harun Yahya )
  • “  Self-Sacrifice in The Qur’an’s Moral Teachings “ ( Harun Yahya )    

Mozaik cinta dan ukhuwah yang terserak

Berbicara tentang ukhuwah tak akan pernah ada habisnya..karena akan selalu indah di hati ini:)
Di keheningan malam ini, tak sengaja kubuka lembaran-lembaran tausiyah yang dikirim oleh orang-orang tersayang di berbagai sudut kota, ya..itulah ukhuwah..walaupun raga jauh, tapi jiwa tetap menyatu seiring rabithah..